
58 Articles


I went for a visit to my old neighbourhood in Delhi today. I had to run some chores and also needed to pick up a couple of things from my old home. We moved from the house a year …

Blooms to beat the Winter glooms

I was a bit of a busy beaver this last week. I got a lot of my winter blooms and some of my edibles planted. Who says you can’t go plant happy in an apartment?

Gallery after the …

New year realisations

It is a tradition that you should start a new year with a few resolutions that you should try and keep. Maybe, lose some weight, try and save more- heck I’ve tried to do some of …

The ABC's of content marketing in India

Content marketing is amongst the most popular marketing strategies in the world today. Defined as any format of marketing which involves the creation, publishing and sharing of …


Today makes it 5 years since I have written on again and off again on this blog. Over the past five years, I have changed 4 web hosts, and many domains before settling on …

Using IFTTT to automate the web

Wouldn’t it be handy if images you take on your iPhone were saved to your Dropbox folders? Or if starred emails in Gmail automatically got sent to your Evernote notebook? Or even …

The best social networks you don't know about

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the defacto names which come to mind when anyone thinks of social networks or social media. These 400 pound gorrilas of the social networks have …

Finally, a good use for QR codes

QR Codes. Most consumers hate them. Most marketers love them (and think consumers love them too). This often misused little graphic usually found on magazine ads and 20 foot high …

How getting locked out of Gmail made me kick the Google habit

I learned a hard lesson last week. A lesson which began with me getting locked out of my Gmail. After reading about Matt Honan’s nightmare last summer, I had migrated all of my …

Tech Tip : Password revealer in Internet Explorer 10

Microsoft released Internet Explorer 10 to users of Windows 7 in the last couple of weeks. A new feature in the browser makes it very easy to check your password for correctness …