Today makes it 5 years since I have written on again and off again on this blog. Over the past five years, I have changed 4 web hosts, and many domains before settling on It’s also taken me a while to settle on a name I have been happy with.

This blog has been like me – experimental in design and content. People who have followed me over the past five years (there are some) have seen my blog transition from – to I have toyed with ‘’ & ‘’ in between for writing about my interests in food. I was buying domains like potato chips. Almost two years ago I finally settled on two domains and

Over 5 years my interests have also morphed a bit. When I started blogging, I wanted to blog about technology and food. But I did not have enough time to regularly write about tech updates and discussing food and recipes. I found I had so many drafts about blog posts, but not enough ever to write more in detail about them. I slowly added my passions for Advertising and Marketing and Design to what I wanted to write about. Most of my posts also became, experiences and opinions.

Over the last year, I added another topic to the pieces I was writing about – “Exploring Hinduism”. This was a topic that had interested me since my early years. I think that my knowledge about the Hindu stories from the scriptures is among the best among the people I know. But as a student of history, it was always my desire to understand how these stories came about. These posts became a reason for me to research more about the history of the faith.

People who have read my blog, will notice that I change my blog design very frequently. In the last 6 months almost 10 new designs have been experimented with, but I am still not happy with the design. This is something I will be working on constantly I think.

It’s a funny thing – blogging. You write about what you want to, but to make it meaningful, you have to write about what others want to read. I just want to continue writing, straddling both those two.

Looking forward to completing another 5 years… Thank you for reading!