
8 Articles

A new year

Tonight 2016 ends. I don’t know if it was a good year or a bad year. I do believe it was a year with a lot of change. Change brought about for good (or for bad) as some may …

A different story

I had an idea for a different kind of storytelling the other day. Maybe I was inspired by the buzzword of co-creation I keep throwing out in my day job. I wanted to try my hand at …


I went for a visit to my old neighbourhood in Delhi today. I had to run some chores and also needed to pick up a couple of things from my old home. We moved from the house a year …

Blooms to beat the Winter glooms

I was a bit of a busy beaver this last week. I got a lot of my winter blooms and some of my edibles planted. Who says you can’t go plant happy in an apartment?

Gallery after the …

New year realisations

It is a tradition that you should start a new year with a few resolutions that you should try and keep. Maybe, lose some weight, try and save more- heck I’ve tried to do some of …


Today makes it 5 years since I have written on again and off again on this blog. Over the past five years, I have changed 4 web hosts, and many domains before settling on …

Resistance to Change

For a few years now, I share a story with people as part of my new year greetings. Every year a lot of us make resolutions – lose weight, quit smoking, take up art, etc. Most of …

Small space garden and two dogs

[](../assets/img/2012/12/Three-ripe-tomatoes.jpeg)These plants are my pride and joy! I have small blossoming gardens on my apartment balconies. This is my favourite one, next to my …