The Live event previewing the iPhone OS 3.0 firmware started in Apple’s Cupertino time hall building at 10:30 pm IST approx today.

Apart from general promotional information about the iPhone sales – available in 80 countries and 13.7 million sold in 2008. Apple has now sold 17 Million iPhones

The feature list for the iPhone 2.0 SDK and Firmware was next

  1. In app pricing – offering developers the ability to price not just the app but for individual content. eg: magazine subscriptions

  2. Peer to Peer networks – over bluetooth powered by Bonjour (Apples Zero conf networking technology) iPhone 3.0 will automatically discover other applications over Bluetooth, and there’s no pairing involved

  3. The Maps API would be opened up to developers allowing developers to embed Google Maps in theri applications

  4. Core Location would now be available to developers to build turn-by turn directions into their apps, but as they cannot use maps due to licensing reasons, developers would have to provide their own maps.

  5. No background processing BUT there is now support for Push notifications. Notifications would pass through an Apple server. Applications can pass badges for icons (letting users know of waiting messages or IMs etc.)

  6. 1000 API’s to be made available for developers – Ability to access the music library and access email from within an app.

  7. A lot of games and apps are demoed showing off notification and true multiplayer over wifi

  8. COPY AND PASTE IS COMING TO THE iPHONE 3.0 (YAY) Two finger tap to select and a bubble overhead with options

  9. By the way Copy and Paste works across all applications (third party as well), and images

  10. Landscape keyboard in all applications – Mail and SMS

  11. SMS Forwarding has been added finally as well as deleting individual and multiple messages

  12. And we have MMS 🙂

  13. An apple developed Voice Memo application – No voice dialing though

  14. CalDAV support for calendar and ability to add subscriptions

  15. Global Search – including support for Messages, web, and itunes Song library (based on Apple’s Spotlight technology) And support for Applications as well

  16. 100 new features will arrive with this firmware including

    1. Sync notes with your Mac

    Shake to Shuffle your playlist

    Stereo Bluetooth

    Safari will support autofill and antiphishing technology

So when is this available –

  • The developer beta – available immediately
  • Official release – This summer – which might mean – June

The release is free for iphone users and $9.95 for Touch users

I guess Im a installing the beta soon…

CNET Live link here

So still not tethering and flash, but still this makes the phone the best out there in my opinion…

Note: CNET Links are now dead