Wikipedia – the Community encyclopedia is looking for donations from the community again. And is fast approaching it’s target of 6 Million USD (currently sitting at 5.4 Million).

But.. would you give a donation to Wikipedia, to enable paychecks for its 23 Official members of staff. What about the rest of the Internet community (150000 strong) who is responsible for adding the content that makes wikipedia what it is.

I personally belive that wikipedia should run ads, like the rest of the blogging community and stop the funding drives every so often.

The bulk of the Open Source world acknoeledges the contributions of non-paying (cash) but givers of time.Wikipedia on the other hand, just finds it easier to ask for a dole out. Of that dole out less that 50% is going into technology to keep the encyclopedia running. Another 96K is going to the Wikimania conference. (A move which many in the corporate world would be avoiding right now, calling the travel to Beunos Aires a needless expenditure)

So I ask the question – would the donations (not tax free BTW) be handled correctly by the Wikipedia team?