The Microsoft Bizspark programme has been started to help startups beat the cost of software licencing and setup their production infrastructure.

The programme provides qualifying startups with a 3 year MSDN subscription with access to production level licenses. The Licences available in the programme include Operating Systems, Server Operating Systems & Servers as well as Development Environments.

The Bizspark programme also includes two support incidents per year. Additionally the site also provides a showcase to startups, helping you provide visibility to Investors, clients & partners.

The biggest cost to a startup would be the software licences and often times Startups are forced to use pirated licences to offset costs. This programme obviously defrays the cost and prevents the use of pirated software.

The qualifiers to the programme are simple –

  1. The Startup must be a developer, developing software and new technologies to form the basis of its core business offering.
  2. Those developing for cloud computing efforts, also have a production grade licence to provide the services online.
  3. The startup should be less than 3 years founded, and have less than a $1 million in annual revenue
  4. The startup should be privately funded
  5. The programme has an enrollment fee of $100, which has to be paid when you exit the programme.

The programmes qualifiers have to be updated every year. Startups not in the business of development, eg: providing creative development services, outsourcing services, and infrastructure services (hosting) are not eligible for the programme.

Startups that meet the eligibility criteria, can signup here.